Why Should You Routinely Change Your HVAC Filters?

hvac filter

The Importance of Your Home’s HVAC Filters

When it comes to keeping your home at a comfortable temperature, your HVAC system works hard to achieve the comfort that you and your family adore. An integral component to the overall success of your HVAC system is the air filter. Providing a barrier against allergies and other particles from the outside, these screens are just as important as the unit itself when it comes to the best quality air in your home. If you have not been keeping up with routinely changing your home’s air filters, you might be experiencing some issues that can be easily solved with filter replacement. Bendon Heating & Cooling would like to share important reasons to consider setting a schedule to routinely replace air filters in your home. We are also happy to help you determine which air filters work best with your system, as well as provide you with additional installation information. You can conveniently reach us at 989-763-9381 to schedule an appointment today! 

Benefits of Regularly Replacing Home HVAC Filters

Remove Dust & Allergens – Irritants such as allergens and dust not only make you and your family feel awful with allergies, but they can also make it more difficult to keep your home clean. High-quality air filters effectively remove these particles from the air and leave your home feeling fresh. However, a filter that has not been replaced regularly will be unable to continue catching those irritants. As a result, you and your family will likely start noticing more effects of seasonal allergies over time.  

Improve HVAC Performance – Filters not only clean up your home’s air, but also serve as a barrier for your HVAC unit, vents, and ductwork. As filters start getting clogged with debris, your HVAC system has to work harder to generate the same level of heating or cooling as it does when the filters are new. Failing to routinely change out your air filters will cause a noticeable reduction in overall performance or an increase in your electric bill. Fortunately, changing air filters are an easy process that is worth the time and investment.  

HVAC System Longevity – If your HVAC unit has to work harder to achieve the same level of performance, you will find that the time between servicing or repair appointments becomes shorter. Motors, compressors, and other vital HVAC components are more likely to burn out quickly when having to function with dirty, clogged air filters. For a minimal time and financial investment, purchasing and installing new air filters on a regular basis not only serves to be a comfort improvement, but also a financial one. Don’t wait until your system has an issue before performing this essential piece of maintenance!