Recognizing Potential HVAC Problems

Recognizing HVAC System Problems

As the cold Michigan weather settles in to stay, you don’t want to deal with the inconvenience of furnace failure. While a professionally installed HVAC unit will usually function without issue, outlying factors can lead to an emergency. Understanding potential issues and how to handle a furnace failure are vital to keeping you and your family warm when the temperature is at its chilliest. Bendon Heating & Cooling would like to share a couple of key areas you should look out for to reduce the likelihood of an HVAC issue.

Many furnaces will pop when they are in operation, as this is when the heated air is being channeled through the ductwork causing expansion. As such, this is a quite common sound to hear and should not be concerned about in most circumstances. However, if you hear grinding from your furnace, do not waste any time to get an HVAC specialist out to take a look. Grinding often implies that something requires immediate servicing or replacement. Another especially important warning sign is if you start noticing a bad, sulfurous odor. If you detect this odor, evacuate your home and contact an expert as soon as possible. This could be the result of a gas leak and is extremely dangerous if not handled properly.

Your HVAC unit is your family’s ticket to a comfy household temperature throughout the winter months. Keeping your unit adequately maintained is the best line of defense against a catastrophic failure, but it is still important to know how to handle immediate emergencies. Whether you need a routine maintenance appointment or need an HVAC repair professional, contact Bendon Heating & Cooling at (989) 763-9381 for a consultation or immediate service. Winter is an unfortunate time to have your HVAC unit fail on you, so take care of it as soon as possible with a trained professional. Bendon heating and Cooling is a Mid-Michigan company